Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I swept the straw mulch off the garlic beds last night.  There was still a little ice here and there and only an occasional sprout poking above ground.  By Sunday I expect most of the cloves to have sent out shoots, as the temp is supposed to approach 70.  In ten years of gardening on the NCR, I have never seen a season this advanced before the Ides of March.   I remember predicting we will be planting palm trees here at some point, but I never expected the kind of weather we are having now.  Maybe not palms, but peaches are a definite possibility in the not too distant future.  Spinach is in the immediate future, as are some of the brassicas.  Time to get the cabbage, broccoli, and some of the lettuces started.  So much to do and so little time.

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