Monday, March 12, 2012

St. Paddy's Day spring

Although the Vernal Equinox is several days after St. Patricks,it actually feels more like May here on the NCR.  We had a couple of inches of snow on Friday evening, but by Sunday morning, it was just a bad memory.  This morning's low of 32 is likely to be the low for the next 10 days or so.  NOAA says this is the fourth warmest winter since they started keeping records, but don't expect the climate change deniers to change their tune.  If a snowflake falls south of the Mason-Dixon line, Al Gore is an hysterical gasbag, but after this crazy winter in which more daily highs were eclipsed than ever, the deniers will be strangely quiet.  I will welcome the start of golf season this weekend, although the fact it is about 6 weeks earlier than normal will give me pause as I spray errant shots over the countryside.  The overwintered spinach looks good, and I will start the first plantings for spring crops this week.  It looks like the McBrides will be planting on St. Paddy's this year.   I hope the weather remains kind.

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