Monday, March 5, 2012

Deja vu all over again

If Yogi Berra is reading the headlines during the past couple of weeks, I'm sure he feels that way again.  The current outbreak of tornadoes in the heartland with increasing levels of devastation remind me of "Damnation Alley", a novel of an apocolyptic future where middle America is a wasteland dominated by killer storms.  The latest ruling from a court in Colorado allowing students who qualify to carry concealed handguns on the grounds of the state university puts me in mind of a novel by Robert Heinlein set in the not too distant future.  The premise is a "survival of the fittest" scenario where everyone who wants full citizenship must carry a weapon and be prepared to use it if provoked.  The provocation can be something as simple as an accidental contact.  If an apology is not forthcoming, the two settle up in true wild west fashion with the loser unable to contribute his genes to the next generation.  Those unwilling or unable to play this game are relegated to secondary status and must wear a badge of shame which entitles the citizens to mock them.  Sounds like we may be heading down that rabbit hole as I write this.

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