Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What's Goin' On

        Joe Pesci was probably too busy celebrating his 78th birthday to watch the impeachment trial of Donald Trump begin yesterday, but he was certainly there in spirit.  Two "My Cousin Vinnie" wannabes took to the floor of the Senate to say the Senators/jurors should ignore any and all evidence of the obvious criminality of the failed former president* and give tRump a bye on non-existent technicalities supposed to be in the Constitution.

     The difference between Pesci's defense of his cousin and the president's* lawyers' defense of their client is the videotape.  13 minutes of gut wrenching views of an insurrection in action was more than any defense attorney could counter.    tRump's team was weak tea indeed.  It doesn't really matter, because Cheatolini's defense could consist of him taking a hot steaming dump on the floor of the Senate and he would still be found not guilty by the sedition caucus in the senate.

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