Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Fall of Winterfell

      I was going to use Winterfell as a metaphor for the storming and sacking of the Capitol on January 6, but I don't think Robb Stark would have left the seat of his power nearly undefended if Theon Greyjoy had told him every day for nearly 2 months he was prepared to betray his oaths to the Stark family.

      As laid out by the House impeachment managers, Donald Trump told the whole world his oath to the Constitution was null and void if his was not re-elected.  He then set out on a campaign to overturn the results of the election in very public terms.   Whoever was in charge of Capitol security should have seen the threat in real time and made provisions to protect Congress when it gathered on January 6 to certify the election of Joe Biden as president.

      Jaime Raskin's team made a mockery of Republican pretentions Cheatolini was not responsible  for the sacking of the Capitol.  Their presentation was stunning in showing how nearly to disaster the entire Congress was exposed.   The only question is how the spineless caucus in the Senate will explain their votes to their constituents and to history.

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