Monday, February 15, 2021

Sadly predictable

     The hurried end to the impeachment trial of Donald John Trump on Saturday was in hindsight thoroughly predictable, despite the cries of outrage from the Divine Mrs. M and millions of her fellow citizens.    If you were following the process, the tantalizing possibility that 17 Republicans would follow their conscience and vote to convict the failed former president was ever present.  The reality was there was never any possibility that would happen.  

      What is the way forward for the Biden administration?   The president has tried his best to let everyone know he was not following the proceedings, but of course his political advisors could not avoid speculation regarding the fallout from whatever verdict was delivered.   White House pressure on the impeachment managers was probably intense following their decision to call at least one witness before ending the trial.   Biden devoutly hopes this whole problem will just disappear.   Sadly, I don' t believe tRump will not go away, although his laziness and continuing legal problems will impair his effectiveness as head of a fractious Republican party.  I think this is the best outcome we can hope for.

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