Thursday, February 25, 2021

A new normal

       Amid a slackening of the pace of decline of new Covid 19 infections in the US, comes news more infectious strains have been discovered in New York and California.  So far, the new strains have not overcome the vaccines' effectiveness.  However, it seems only a matter of time until the virus mutates beyond the ability of the various vaccines to control it.  We face the nightmare of a flu like disease with far greater mortality than presently circulating strains of common flu.  

       Will the new normal include the possibility our most cherished friends and relatives face death on a regular basis?   Hopefully the major drug companies can tweak their vaccines to account for new variants, but we must also prepare for a future of mask wearing and social distancing.   Having just received our 2nd Covid shots, the Divine Mrs. M are looking forward to restaurant meals, an occasional movie at the theater and participating in group activities like singing together.  Let's hope our aspirations remain viable as the year continues.

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