Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Texas and climate change

      As millions of Texans huddle in the cold without power, Republicans are more than happy to blame everyone but themselves.   After decades of little to no investment in the Lone Star state's power grid, it predictably failed with the onslaught of a powerful winter storm.   Flailing about for someone or something to blame, the governor, Greg Abbot decided the Green New Deal was responsible for his own failure to encourage investment in the power grid.  As most people know, the aformentioned legislation has not even been introduced to Congress, let alone passed into law.

      Weird weather will more rapidly become the norm in the near future and every aspect of our civilization had better start preparing for it.  Blaming the new technologies, such as wind and solar along with power storing batteries for the problem is counter productive, but that seems to be the hill the GOP is willing to die on.  Let's hope they die quickly so the rest of us can get on with preparing  for the rigors of climate change.

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