Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Alternate history

       If the mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6 at the behest of a failed former president had been just a little better organized it is possible a whole different story could have been written regarding the 2020 election.   Much as Caesar crossing the Rubicon led to the overthrow of the Roman Republic, tRump's incitement of his MAGA followers could have caused the deaths of many congressional representatives and the declaration of martial law by the president*.

      Fortunately, tRump is too lazy and ignorant to have plotted a successful coup.  However, as incompetent as he is, we still came within a few minutes of losing our democracy nonetheless.  I doubt we will be so lucky the next time.   And there will be a next time.   

      If tRump was successful, what would the political landscape look like right now.   For one thing, the pandemic would continue to rage out of control since the government would remain a shell of its former self with a cabinet of acting secretaries beholden for their titles to the commander in chief.   Legislation to muzzle the  press would probably be passed and any criticism of the president* would be banned.   The results of the election would be overturned and tRump would be declared president for life by the remains of congress.

     I could go on, but you get the idea.   That is why the impeachment trial starting today is so important.  We cannot let tRump's crimes against democracy go unremarked.   He will not be convicted, but he must wear the scarlet letter of impeachment as a deterrent against the coming of a competent authoritarian.

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