Friday, February 19, 2021

Weather or climate change

       Lost amid the outrage over Ted Cruz' choice of vacation destination in the midst of a crisis is the lack of a concerted attack on climate science by Republicans.   It may be they haven't marshalled the argument that since it is freezing in Texas, there can't possibly by "global warming" since kids are building snowmen in Austin.

      I doubt this will be a credible explanation going forward.  It seems even the most doughty climate warriors know snowballs are not good ammunition to fight the science behind climate change.   One of the hallmarks of the coming crisis is the extreme variability of weather conditions.   Early frost, unseasonable heat waves, snow in the south and drought all around is the new norm and we had better continue efforts to mitigate the changes as well as provide relief in the case of catastrophes such as the one Texas is experiencing now.

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