Wednesday, February 24, 2021

It's a celebrity world

      If you wanted to know about Tiger Woods' physical condition this morning, it would seem every news outlet was panting to tell you.   After a horrific rollover crash in Los Angeles yesterday, Woods is in stable condition but had surgery to insert a rod into one of his legs and rebuild his shattered ankle.  Until the media determines the public has had enough coverage we will probably be subjected to more intimate coverage of the GOAT golfer.

      The incessant coverage of celebrity travails is nothing new.   Most of us grew up or were mature in the People magazine era.  However, with the advent of 24 hour cable coverage, the relentless need for content forces stations and their cyber outlets to give minute coverage to incidents which would barely be noted in the 1970s.  I am certainly not dinging Tiger Woods.  I wish him a speedy recovery.  Having played golf myself, I truly doubt he will ever regain his championship form again, but it sounds like he will have the opportunity to play with his son in the future. 

      The problem I see with celebrity culture is the inability of the media to educate the public instead of titillating us.

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