Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Revolution of rising expectations

       Democrats in and out of Congress are probably going to be swamped with the importunities from their various bases.   On some issues, such as the economy, Dems can actually meet the expectations they have raised.  $1400.00 checks, money for schools and small businesses and funds to expedite Covid vaccinations are all very popular.  Border security and voting rights are another story. 

  A pathway to citizenship for 11 million immigrants without documents is not nearly as popular, even with the Democratic base.    Tens of thousands Central Americans fleeing political violence in their countries are presently waiting for immigration hearings on the Mexican side of the border and they are not going away.   A minority of citizens are in favor of allowing these people in.   However, the ethno-nationalist frenzy whipped up by former president* tRump and Republicans looking for ways to stay in power may very well erupt  in violence if this policy is embraced by Dems.

      Americans support voting rights in the abstract, but when the rubber meets the road, a large minority of our fellow citizens would happily vote for Jim Crow restrictions meant to disenfranchise large swaths of black and brown voters whom they consider unworthy to exercise our most fundamental right.

     How president Biden handles these rising expectations and steers legislation addressing them will determine how successful his administration will be and whether our democracy will survive.

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