Friday, February 12, 2021

Bidenomics and the GOP

       The farce more commonly known as the second tRump impeachment trial will probably end today with the pathetic bleatings of unconstitutionality providing cover for Republican senators to vote nay on conviction of the sociopathic former resident of the White House.  The more lasting legacy of the present Congress and the Biden administration is the Covid 19 relief legislation and the forthcoming bill on infrastructure.

       As Paul Krugman points out in the NYT today, Biden's 1.9 trillion dollar relief bill has overwhelming support among voters despite opposition by the congressional GOP.   Voters have seen this act before.  In the Obama administration's effort to counteract the Great Recession, they were sold a bill of goods by Republicans who compared a sovereign government with the average middle class family.   During the tRump reign of error, the GOP rammed through a 2 trillion dollar tax cut for the uber wealthy with barely a nod to the middle class.

     This time around, voters see the candid effort to relieve the American public with cash and government programs that target the virus and underlying economic inequality.  Even 61% of Republican voters support the Recovery Act.   More spending on infrastructure is contemplated and is also supported by the public.  It seems our fellow citizens have finally spotted the 3 card monty game Republicans have used for the past 40 years and are not interested in playing any more.

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