Thursday, February 18, 2021

Red and Blue Assholes

       The one party state is proving to be problematic in 2021.   From California to New York, to Texas and Florida, Democratic and Republican governors have flubbed the defining crises of their careers and non of them have had a check on their ability to inflict pain on the citizens in their respective states.  

      Andrew Cuomo has once again proven to be a thin skinned bully who is more interested in covering up his shortcomings than correcting them.   From covering up his stupid decision to return Covid patients from hospital to nursing homes where they spread the disease to threatening state assemblymen who called for hearings, Cuomo is a poster child for term limit legislation.

      Texas governor Greg Abbott is incompetent and downright evil in his inept handling of the winter storm crisis in Texas.  He had already demonstrated his inability in  a previous term, but red Texas re-elected him anyway because that's what you do in a one party state.

      Mini tRump Ron DeSantis in Florida seemingly doesn't care how many Floridians die of Covid, because the most famous resident of the Sunshine State is cheering his incompetence.  DeSantis would have lost the last gubernatorial election without tRump's backing, so he is doubling down on assholery.

     I don't know much about Gavin Newsome in California, but he seems to be the type of political animal who rises in a one party state.   It's all about the power, not how you wield it to improve the lives of your fellow citizens.  Eating thousand dollar/plate dinners while Californians are being told to stay home and suffer in silence is the defining moment of his governorship so far.

     These four men and their hubris and incompetence are cautionary tales for our times.

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