Thursday, February 4, 2021

The urgency of now

      I hope Joe Biden has read Barack Obama's autobiographical recounting of his 8 years in the Oval Office.   In "A Promised Land", Obama recounts  the relentless obstruction of his plans by the republican minorities in the House and the Senate.  In a futile search for a bipartisan unicorn, the president allowed Republicans to downsize relief for the Great Recession and the ACA.  The first 2 years were consumed by the minutia of congressional foot dragging and by the time those programs were enacted, the Tea Party effectively ended the possibility of immigration reform and voting rights legislation.

      It is fashionable to blame Obama for these shortcomings, but to do so would be akin to blaming LBJ for not going to China and opening it the way Nixon did.   Much as Jackie Robinson did when he played for the Dodgers in the 40s and 50s, Obama was obliged to put up with insults and prejudice no white man would have put up with.  He could not call out Republicans for obstructionism without being accused of playing the "race card".

     Fortunately, Biden doesn't have to worry about racist obstructionism and being called to sacrifice his electoral mandate in the name of comity.   So far, the president is politely, but firmly telling Republicans they are welcome to input in legislation, but not obstruction.   Let's hope he continues to do so.

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