Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A Democrat and a Republican walk into a bar

        So the joke will be on us if president Biden spends more than 5 minutes considering the Republican "plan" for Covid relief.   In the process of delivering a 600 billion dollar plan which insults the very idea of bipartisanship, the gang of 10 Republicans are replicating the playbook they used during the Obama years to delay aid until it was so late and inadequate that Democrats paid with the loss of their majority in the House in 2012 and the Senate 2 years later.

       Yes, we have to play the kabuki of bipartisanship, but as many have pointed out, Americans don't care how relief gets out of Congress, as long as it happens.   The dinosaurs who told Obama to delay aid in the name of comity are mostly retired or defeated.   It is left to the press to continue the game of bipartisanship in a bad faith effort to stir up a Dems vs. Repubs meme.  Lucy is hovering the football as we watch in horror.

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