Disappointment is the dominant emotion the Biden administration can muster after the unelected Senate Parlimentarian said the minimum wage increase to $15.00/hr. cannot be included in the reconciliation bill moving through the House. I find it obscene that officials making many times that per hour are willing to throw fellow Americans under the bus without at least expressing indignation at this development.
Sorry guys, but if you think you can blame Republicans for your failure to fight for the minimum wage by saying you will tamely accept a third party judgement, it won't fly with many Democrats. It's time to take off the gloves and go to the mat for something that means everything to millions of voters. Put the issue to a vote on the floor and if it fails there, you can go to the voters and explain how you can't pass essential legislation because Joe Manchin doesn't like it. If Mitch McConnell was in charge of the Democratic caucus there would be no doubt as to the final vote. Time to grow a pair, Chuck!