Wednesday, June 3, 2020

When you've lost Juan Williams...

      I am no fan of Juan Williams.   For the most part he is exactly what he seems;  a black man who sold his soul for a perch at Faux News.   He enables the station to say, "look at us, some of our best friends are black".   Nevertheless, Williams used his fame to secure an op-ed in today's NYT where he basically implored black Americans to be monolithic in their support of Joe Biden in the coming election.   The catalyst for Williams, as for many of us, was the killings of Ahmaud Arbery by armed white men, Breonna Taylor by Louisville police and finally by the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police as recorded in a shocking cell phone video.
     Even the for the most part politically apathetic North Country, demonstrations continue.   My local paper estimated 4-500 people gathered in Saranac Lake to protest Floyd's killing as nationwide protests continued for an eighth day.   Meanwhile in D.C. our feckless leader did his best Mussolini imitation by having peaceful protestors tear gassed and rubber bulleted to clear the way so he could wave a closed bible in front of a nearby church in an attempt to rally his base.
      We have seen many spasms of violence over the past 50 years as black Americans seek equality and political power.   Many times the catalyst is police violence toward minorities.   It seems public opinion has finally come around to support the underlying demands of the present demonstrations. 
      tRump's supporters will not go away.   No matter what he does in the coming days and weeks will shake the close to 40% of the public which enjoys the policies his minions espouse.   However, the horrific response Cheetolini has made to Floyd's death is bound to begin the process of peeling off several more percentage points of his support.   I refuse to believe so many of my countrymen would vote for the narcissistic proto-fascist who now "leads" America.   Juan Williams has given cover for conservative blacks and whites to vote for democrats this fall.   After all, to quote tRump, "What do you have to lose?".   The answer in this case is our democracy.

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