Thursday, June 4, 2020


      Just as the peaceful protests over the police killing of George Floyd had shed most of their more violent aspects such as the looting and burning which accompanied the first few nights, comes an op-ed by the fascist wannabe senator from Arkansas, Tom Cotton.   Published to illustrate its firm commitment to "bothsiderism", the NYT continues a shameful tradition of toadying to republican authoritarians.
      Cotton would love to send in the 101st Airborne division and presumably other units of the US armed forces to in the words of Secretary of Defense Mark Esper "dominate the battlespace".   He was indeed referring to the cities and towns across America where the mostly peaceful demonstrations were taking place.   As with the demonstrations against the Vietnam War in the 60s and 70s, these demonstrations were mostly peaceful and at least some of the violence in the past week was instigated by right wing militia groups, the heart of Cotton's support.
     Staunch conservatives such as George Will and Jennifer Rubin have denounced the use of US troops to clear Lafayette Square of demonstrators so Cheetolini could demonstrate his toughness in walking to a closed church for a photo op.    This is the same president* who huddled in the White House bunker last week as hundreds of demonstrators surrounded the residence.  In this case, tRump inadvertently distracted the nation from his feckless incompetence handling the Covid 19 pandemic by demonstrating his complete lack of empathy for citizens who gathered in the time honored and constitutionally protected right to peacefully protest.
      That we have so many people willing to protest injustice is one of the green shoots.  Cotton and his ilk are the Roundup presently being sprayed by complicit media.   May Dog have mercy on their souls.

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