Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Can it get any worse

       Russia's newest American subsidiary, aka the tRump administration, has pleaded ignorance concerning intelligence finding Putin's government paid bounties to the Taliban for killing our soldiers.   The president's* spokesman went so far as to say her boss still had not been briefed on the specifics, therefore the whole subject was moot.
      Of course, as we all know, if the previous president was found to have been credibly informed of such a threat, the conservative media would have exploded.  Hannity and Ingraham would be demanding congressional hearings and the resignation of the commander in chief for cravenly failing to confront Moscow.  Instead, crickets.
      As with every issue these days, from Supreme Court opinions to the Covid 19 crisis to Black Lives Matter, you are either for or against what is happening based on tribal affiliations.  The president retweets a video of one of his supporters shouting " White Power", and the lone black republican senator can barely condemn the action.   Similarly, the hate filled expletives being leveled at tRump's supporters are barely given a mention in most media outlets.
     Unfortunately, this tribalism carries over to areas which should not be subject to ideological tests.  Science is at least one area where both sides can agree one would think.  However, in today's cauldron,  a significant minority of mostly republican white men would have us believe that science is magical thinking, observed when convenient and denied if  necessary to maintain ideological purity.   I can only hope the GOP's defeat in November is so convincing that this fever will break.

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