Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Jonesing for a Win

        Despite the president's* campaign pitch that the American public would be so tired of "winning" we would be begging him to stop, I, for one am tired of losing.  It would seem a substantial number of voters are also.   In a new poll, Joe Biden has increased his lead over tRump to 14 points.  If these numbers hold in November, it will result in a landslide election victory for Biden and democrats.
        What brought the GOP and their standard bearer to this pass are the twin crises of the Covid19 pandemic and the protests caused by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.  Cheetolini fumbled the response to both and he and his party will seemingly pay a high price for failure.
      Coronavirus cases continue to rise, especially in states with republican governors and legislatures.  Texas, Florida and Arizona lead the way and should all three states go blue in November, there is no path to a tRump electoral victory.   Meanwhile, as the European Union opens for tourists again, it looks like Americans as well as Brazilians and Russians will not be invited to the party.   The bourgeoning number of new coronavirus cases in these countries have unnerved the Europeans.  The Chinese and Japanese tourists will be welcomed, however.   This would constitute another blow to American prestige around the world.  So much for winning.
      Even tRump's most reliable voting bloc, whites with a high school education or less, the classic "low information voters" whom he professes to love are deserting him.   The reality distortion field of Faux News and its offshoots are finally at such odds with what is actually happening on the ground that many of this cohort have decided, at least for now they are tired of "winning" also.
      A columnist in the NYT noted that perhaps the most reliably conservative of the baby boom generation, those born from 1956-65, the so called Jones generation have also opted out of the tRump coalition.

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