Friday, June 26, 2020

Partisanship and the coronavirus

      As we have been told numerous times, the coronavirus is non partisan.  However, it is opportunistic.  It thrives when people deny its ability to infect them and those they come in contact with.   As Cheetolini has said, it is an "invisible enemy".   I think that if the virus was sentient and had to pick a political identification it would definitely choose today's republican party.
     Since denial of science is one of the hallmarks of the GOP, the virus loves the idea of large gatherings of people who feel vaccines are for losers, the disease is a democratic hoax and besides only the olds are at risk.
     The botched response at the federal level  with little leadership and the waste of time in preparing for the eventual flood of infections allowed the virus to spread in densely populated areas like NYC and its environs.  What's not to like if you are an infectious disease!
    Finally, the haphazard reopening of much of the country without a plan for contact tracing and isolation of infected individuals is another win for the virus.   Republican governors, mostly in thrall to the current occupant of the Oval Office, have resisted elementary steps like compelling everyone to wear masks in public.  Instead they have pushed that decision on mayors and other local officials in hopes they won't be blamed for forcing people to protect each other. 

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