Thursday, June 25, 2020

The sun rises, republicans lie and other truths

     Over in Mother Jones, Kevin Drum has a graph filled article tracing the course and finding out who benefitted from the 2017 republican tax cut.  You remember how we were assured the $1.5 trillion dollar cut was going to "supercharge" the economy and help everyone.  It turns out just like every other republican sponsored cut in the last 40 years, the 2017 bill was designed to benefit corporations and the rich and it did so with a vengeance.
      From Reagan's trickle down theory to the Shrub's  disappearing the Clinton surpluses to benefit his wealthy donors to tRump's supercharger, we have been lied to and forced to watch as a generational transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the wealthy has occurred.  Wages for most people have been stagnant or declining since the 80s.   As tax revenues have declined, the GOP whenever in power has continued to shred the social safety net in order to "reduce the deficit".  These cuts have disproportionately affected the poor and middle classes. 
    If current trends continue, at some point, a majority of Americans will realize they are being taken to the cleaners by republicans with the sometimes tacit assistance of democrats.  When the torches and pitchforks come out it won't matter what party you belong to if you haven't done anything about the problems. 

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