Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Busy Days

      The Supremes validated LGBT rights yesterday.   Protests over police violence continue as does the police violence which caused the protests.   The stock market seems ready to collapse again.  tRump moves his Tulsa rally back by a day, but doesn't cancel in the face of rising numbers of Covid cases in the city.   The virus continues on its not so merry way across the country as states reopen with no special precautions.   It looks like the baseball season is a goner thanks to the intransigence of team owners. 
     In gardening news, the weeds continue to grow, but crops in the garden are at a standstill with the continued dry weather.  It is difficult to germinate carrots, beets and other standbys, but the weeds seem to be on overdrive.    That's all I've got for today.

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