Monday, June 29, 2020

A world gone mad

    Picking up a virtual newspaper today is somewhat akin to catching a live hand grenade.   You know it will probably explode, but there is always a chance it may not.
    The big story in much of the media was the Russian bounty on US servicemen in Afghanistan.  The president's* defense is "Nobody told me".   As one former serviceman turned congressman put it, that is tantamount to admitting you run an incompetent administration.   And that is the best spin you can put on it.
     In other news, the Covid 19 pandemic is picking up steam, mostly in republican led states which opened with no plans to combat the spread of the disease.  The glimmer of hope is since most of those catching the coronavirus are young, the fatality rate is probably going to be less than it was.  However, as we learn more about the virus, scientists say many of the young victims may face lifetime disabilities stemming from the infection. 
     Siberia is heating and burning at the fastest rates ever seen.  Unfortunately, the lockdown for the pandemic and the resulting pause in fossil fuel use was only a blip in the ongoing increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.   A dust plume from the Sahara blanketed much of the American south yesterday and is a harbinger of a drier hotter African desert.
      Another possible police killing of an African American man is being investigated in Colorado.   It has been over a year, but body cam footage shows the man in a chokehold, basically begging to be allowed to breathe. 
     Finally, a baptist church in Troy, NY is giving away an AR-15 to some lucky member of the congregation this Tuesday.   Let the good times roll...

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