Thursday, June 18, 2020


      It looks as though John Bolton's new book and the controversy surrounding it as well as the fallout from the Black Lives Matter protests may push the pandemic off the front pages of newspapers for a few days.
      Bolton's supposed tell all will be eagerly debated by the media elite, but mostly scorned by the left and the right.   Democrats and never Trumpers are upset Bolton didn't testify at or before tRump's impeachment trial and the trumpanzees will excoriate him for telling the truth as he saw it rather than glossing over the president's* manifest unfitness for office.  Personally, I agree with those who say his testimony wouldn't have made a difference in the acquittal vote, except Susan Collins may have experienced carpal tunnel from  excessive hand wringing.
      Meanwhile, Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Mrs. Butterworth will finally be retired by their companies.   Years of protest as to their racial symbolism failed to convince company executives to end the racist symbolism of black mammys and subservient black men, but the very real threat of boycotts of the products using them, pancake mix, instant rice and ersatz syrup, was enough to get them to reconsider.   If only racism was that easily defeated.

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