Friday, June 19, 2020

Inside the bubble

      The NYT's most faithful stenographer, Maggie Haberman and a sidekick published another listless story yesterday.   The main takeaway was the insinuation by insiders in the White House that Cheetolini was in effect sabotaging his reelection campaign because he didn't really want to win.
      As many people pointed out, one way of looking at these "revelations" is the inner circle has become convinced tRump cannot win the election in the current climate and are looking for excuses when the implosion occurs.   Some have even put forward the theory the president* will resign in September or October rather than face the humiliation of a landslide Biden victory.  Personally, I don't put much stock in that prediction.   The Donald knows he will likely be taking the perp walk if he loses the election.  Besides, the campaign is what he lives for.   He has been on the trail non stop, excepting during the pandemic.
      The problem with both the coverage by newspapers and broadcast outlets is the same that has plagued them since the dawn of the 24 hour news cycle.  Instead of covering actual news in the country and the world, the Habermans and Anderson Coopers have limited themselves to covering the reactions of the DC elite to the news.   They have become so self identified with these elites of both parties, their coverage is an endless game of "he says, she says" that reverberates through the day.   The networks and editors should send these sheltered reporters out into the real world on a regular basis and shuttle new faces into the DC bubble brandishing sharp pins.

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