Thursday, June 11, 2020

Dress rehearsal

      The fiasco that was the Georgia primary must have been excellent news for the White House.   It was proof to tRump and his minions that regardless of polling, policies and the economy, the coming election is winnable if they are willing to go all in on cheating.
      The long lines in Atlanta, especially in black neighborhoods were appalling, the mostly good humor of the voters nonwithstanding.   However, it is one thing to stand outside for hours in clement weather and long daylight hours.   It is quite another to stand in a cold rain as the sun goes down on November 3rd. 
      I have little doubt partisan secretaries of state in GOP held states are noting how closing many polling places and making it hard for citizens to get absentee ballots on time works to suppress turnout.   The difference this time is this president* is now so unpopular most of us would wait in a raging snowstorm for hours for the chance to vote against him and everything he stands for.

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