Monday, June 22, 2020

Bunker Boy's disappointment

     Depending on whose story you believe, the president's* first campaign rally in months was a total bust, a moderate success or for those firmly in the tRump bubble, a resounding success.  The shots of thousands of empty seats during Cheetolini's self aggrandizing speech put paid the last theory.
     As polls have shown, over 60% of tRump's mostly elderly white fans are also worried about the coronavirus and it seems they decided a night of mostly incoherent babble from the liar-in-chief was not worth a trip to the ICU of their local hospital and 2--3 weeks on a ventilator.  If this trend continues, the campaign may have to rethink its dependence on the spectacle of thousands of people gathered in enclosed spaces yelling and cheering for hours.   Until Saturday night's debacle that was what tRump's supporters were counting on to at least get better polling numbers.   Back to the drawing board.
     In gardening news, the hot and dry weather continues as the summer solstice has come and gone.  Temps in the low 90s and hit and miss thunderstorms will continue at least through mid week.  At this point, i am just trying to keep transplants alive in the hope we will get rain at some point.  Aside from deep rooted crops like potatoes and garlic everything in the garden is suffering.

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