Friday, June 12, 2020

A moment of truth

      As the George Floyd protests and the violence some of them engendered quiet down, much of the media has gone back to the coronavirus beat.   Cases are rising in many of the states which reopened without testing and traceback protocols in place.  Once again we are hearing about overburdened ICU  units in city hospitals.
     The coronavirus doesn't care about social justice, the economy or tRump's increasingly dim hopes of reelection.   However, it does take advantage of mass protests, poorly thought out economic plans and campaign rallies to continue its spread.  Now, according to some of the latest research on the disease, as much as 45% of those who contract the virus show no symptoms, but may be able to pass on the contagion for as many as 14 days.
    Meanwhile, as we face the possibility some states may have to shut down again, the package of benefits for those who are unemployed will expire at the end of July unless Congress acts to extend them.   Wall Street was reeling yesterday as traders realized the pandemic was not going away anytime soon.   Pressure will swiftly build to keep money flowing in the economy, but many republicans resist, especially at the prospect of aiding those people.   tRump will continue to tell everyone who still listens to him the economy will be great again.
       The moment of truth will come when one of the GOP lead states decides it must shut down in order to quell the momentum of the virus.  What will happen then?

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