Monday, July 17, 2017

Weekend musings

About half the garden space remains too wet to plant, so seedlings are aging out in the cold frames waiting for drier conditions.  Ironically, some areas are actually getting too dry and would benefit from showers which would push back planting in other spots.  The forecast is for thundershowers off and on this week, so it will probably be the worst of both worlds, not enough to do good, but just wet enough to continue the dismal progress of this gardening season.   Meanwhile, John McCain's surgical procedure has put the GOP's health care Russian roulette on hold for the moment.  I wonder if McCain might have a "road to Damascus" moment if he wonders what an American without health care insurance might do if faced with a blood clot like the one surgeons dealt with in his case.   I doubt it, but a former POW and self professed "maverick" in his own party is probably serving his last term in the Senate and can do or say whatever he wants with no thought for political retribution of the sort Dean Heller of Nevada could potentially face if he casts a no vote on the gutting of Obamacare.  However, I don't think I would bet the farm on McCain's altruism.

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