Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Liberal fascists

It seems everyone wants to take a shot at liberals these days.  Not only the Faux News viewers with their reflexive "libtard" comments.  Now, supposedly liberal commenters and intellectuals are jumping on the bandwagon to criticize middle class liberals because we are hurting the feelings of the average Trump voter by pointing out the racism, misogyny and general stupidity which permeates the whole phenomena of Trumpism.    Yes, we all know that not every single republican or independent who pulled the lever for the Donald last November is a "deplorable", but the evidence against Trump and the ideology he was promoting was there for all to see.  Not every German was a Nazi in 1940, but those who did not oppose the architect of the holocaust are rightly condemned by history.  Trump's enablers are helping tear the fabric of our democracy to shreds and should be held accountable.

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