Friday, July 28, 2017

Hanging by a thread

It looks like at least a pale shadow of robust democracy will continue to manifest in the US Congress.  Last night, John McCain, against all odds, lived up to his fawning admirers expectations and joined two republican women senators to sink what looks like the GOP's last attempt to repeal Obamacare.   McCain flew cross country, evidently against his doctor's recommendations, to weigh in on the Senate's version of "repeal and replace".  He first voted to proceed with debate on a bill he inveighed against as undemocratic and unworthy of the Senate, but in the end voted to kill this zombie, perhaps for the last time.  As McCain battles an aggressive form of brain cancer he probably has a better insight into American health care than any of his colleagues.  Politically, he has nothing to lose as this is certainly his final term in the Senate.  Even with all that prologue he was still not a lock to join Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins who merely did what was best for the majority of their constituents.  Yet he will be hailed for his "maverick" streak and the women will be reviled by the right wing media.  Such is the power of a carefully cultivated image.  Meanwhile, democracy continues to be assaulted by Cheeto Jesus and his enablers in congress.

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