Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Killing the Zombies, vampires, etc.

The shambling mess which was Mitch McConnell's BCRA seems to have died because it is not conservative enough for the Senate pain caucus.  Utah's Mike Lee and Kansas' Jerry Moran teamed up to kill the bill.  Feckless moderates will now jump on the bandwagon to crow about their "opposition" to the bill's manifest cruelty.  What to do now?   Speculation is the Majority leader will push a straight repeal of the ACA without provision for replacement.  This would lead to a catastrophic breakdown in the insurance market and even worse electoral consequences for the GOP, so it is hard to see McConnell doing that.  More likely republicans will leave the ACA in place, but sabotage it at every turn and blame democrats.  That may actually be their best play from an electoral standpoint.  After all that has worked for 7 years already.

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