Monday, July 3, 2017

Independence from Reality

Tomorrow, most Americans will celebrate "Independence Day" with the usual cookouts and fireworks viewing, then go back to work on Wednesday.  I freely admit to being one of those celebrants.  It is worth looking back and perhaps revising our opinions of the founding fathers and what they wrought back in 1776.  As with most movements, American Independence was not designed with the majority of citizens in mind.  The founders were mostly wealthy white men who stood to gain economically from the separation from England.  A subset of those, plantation owners in the south, wanted their right to own slaves affirmed by a legislature they could control.  Women were certainly not consulted as to their wishes.  It is also instructive to compare our situation in 2017 to another former British colony which chose not to rebel against the mother country.  Canada just celebrated its 150th year of freedom from the English yoke.  Let's recap their history.  No costly war of independence, no horrendous civil war over the institution of slavery, an unfortunate parity with the US in their treatment of native peoples, a much better health care system and by most measures a much happier population.  Think about that for a minute before enjoying that hamburger or hot dog tomorrow.  National mythologies are potent things, but a clear eyed view of history will serve us better in the long run.

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