Monday, July 10, 2017

Apt Analogies

Unless you get all of your information on the tRump administration from Faux News or Breitbart, the news regarding said government has gotten even more disheartening with the revelation that despite protestations to the contrary, Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton right after the GOP convention.    After steadfastly denying any Russian connections and the whispers of collusion that goes with them, junior had to admit the meeting when the NYT asked for confirmation before publishing the story.   He was quick to say the meeting was held to discuss a program which allowed Americans to adopt Russian orphans which Putin had shut down in response to American sanctions against Russia for its involvement in Ukraine.  The whole thing doesn't pass the smell test and makes comparisons of the extended Trump family to Jimmy Breslin's hapless crime family in "The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight" more apt than to Mario Puzo's The Godfather.  The scandals surrounding the Russian government's meddling in the 2016 elections will continue to fester unless or until the special counsel's investigation result in indictments or exonerations.

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