Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The exhaustion of evil

I have made this point before, but it is worth repeating; continuous manifestation of evil intent are exhausting.   The litany of scandals surrounding the tRump administration after a mere 6 months is mind boggling.   From the refusal to divest his company holdings to the "Muslim ban", to  initial whispers of the Russiagate  affair to the bumbling efforts to lay the groundwork for further voter suppression this government has overwhelmed most people's ability to feel outrage at the degradation of our democracy.   Faux News has practically imploded from its continued efforts to defend things it would have surely condemned if they were proposed by the Kenyan usurper.   One Fox analyst finally had enough last night and compared Tucker Carlson to a Nazi sympathizer for his fulsome defense of Vladimir Putin.   As the republican congress struggles to eliminate insurance coverage for millions of Americans in the name of a gigantic tax cut for the .01%, many people, myself included wonder what needs to happen to awaken the 36% of my countrymen who feel Cheeto Jesus is the second coming of George Washington.  Surely the spectacle of tRump junior revealing he was thrilled to meet with Russians for the purpose of colluding with them to get the "dirt" on Hillary Clinton is a bridge too far for many of them.   However, I have a feeling that many of them have already invested in that particular bridge.

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