Thursday, July 13, 2017

It's raining shoes

As John McCain pointed out earlier this year, the tRump Russiagate scandal is dropping shoes like a centipede.  Another couple dropped last night with stories in the Wall St. Journal and McClatchy News which chronicle multiple contacts between Russian agents and Trump associates in the year before the Donald announced his intention to run for the presidency.  It was also revealed the FBI is concentrating on a firm which ran the Trump campaign's digital efforts and was directed by son-in-law Jared Kushner.   Right now, the major beneficiaries of all these incipient scandals are the lawyers who handle this type of litigation.  As it becomes more likely special counsel Robert Mueller's investigations will lead to indictments, it will become harder to recruit people to work in this administration.  The negative feedback will make tRump's efforts to govern even more laughable.  At some point republicans in congress will have to decide if they want to go down with the ship or start swimming now.

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