Monday, July 24, 2017

Timely harvest

Thanks to a run of beautiful weather this past weekend and a big assist from various and sundry offspring, friends and neighbors the garlic harvest was a big success on Sunday.  While it may have been a week earlier than ideal for maturity, the weather forecast for this week called for wet weather and the help may not have been available.   The bulb size is on average as good as I have ever seen from the main variety I plant.  I trialed several other varieties of hardnecks also, but they did not do nearly as well as the main crop, Music .  I did a lot of planting Saturday in a bid for late season harvest.  Broccoli, cauliflower, several varieties of kale and collards, beans, fennel, herbs and lettuces are presently being rained on.  Hopefully they will get enough water to become established and not enough to drown.  The roller coaster ride of weather on the NCR continues as we head into late July.

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