Friday, July 7, 2017

Declaration of Duhhhhhhhhhh

I didn't comment on this when it happened because it seemed so ludicrous it had to have been made up.  But it is a real thing.   The whole of wingnuttistan was outraged that NPR criticized our *president on the 4th.  As individual staffers at NPR took turns tweeting the text of the Declaration of Independence, at least someone on the right who was listening became convinced said text was some sort of anti Trump rant cooked up by libtards to impugn the Donald.  Despite several days and monosyllabic explanations that this is a 25 year old tradition on NPR there remains a core of tRump supporters who are convinced this is the latest indignity being foisted on real Americans by the vast left wing conspiracy to deny them legitimacy.  Who knows what the commies on NPR have planned for their "War on Christmas".

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