Monday, July 31, 2017

Continuing to battle

The bugs, the critters and the elements were front and center as we enter the homestretch of the gardening season.   After delivering the past week's consignment to the Plattsburgh Farmers' Market on Saturday, the Divine Mrs. M and I took the rest of the day off and went to Fort Ticonderoga to check out part of our American history.   It was and interesting self guided tour.  I find it amazing that each historical site seems to believe that somehow it represents some major turning point in history.  Ticonderoga bills itself as "the key to the continent".   Quite a claim for what is still a backwoods outpost which certainly rates a visit by history buffs, but a little outsize in relative importance.  After recharging the proverbial batteries, I resumed the battle against the various forms of entropy plaguing the garden.  After making the latest lettuce and brassica transplants, I erected posts and planted "scare owls" atop them.  We'll see how effective they will be.  The weeds were also assaulted with varying degrees of success.  We are getting a rare break from the excessive rain which has resulted in so many failures this gardening season.  The tomatoes and peppers will benefit, as will new plantings of basil and cilantro.  It is almost time to turn off the planters....

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