Friday, July 14, 2017

Health Care Monte

Like a 3 card Monte scammer on the street, Mitch McConnell and his merry men have unveiled yet another version of GOP health care to replace the reviled Obamacare.  As with other iterations of republican bills, it accomplishes two things; a big tax cut for the rich and a big screwing for the poor and middle classes.   As has been evident since Harry Truman tried and failed to get universal health care passed in the late 1940s, republicans have no interest in government sponsored or supported health care for the masses.  They fought Medicare to the bitter end and still have fantasies of throwing granny off the cliff.  They deployed every stakeholder in the health care system to destroy Hillary Clinton's first attempt at reforms in the early 1990s and of course fought an epic rearguard action against Obama's reforms.  Now they are on the verge of repealing many, if not most of the ACA's protections of the common citizen.  In its place they propose to allow insurance companies to offer worthless insurance with high co-pays and deductibles and health savings accounts which will act as tax shelters for the rich.  As well, they do away with the individual mandate and abandon all pretense of forcing insurers to charge the same for pre-existing conditions as for healthy people.  Keep your eyes on the cards, but remember the dealer is and always has been a crook.

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