Thursday, March 31, 2016

Trumping the abortion debate

The Donald's fact free and policy deficient campaign have finally if inadvertently clarified an issue which has divided many Americans.   Abortion has been a contentious issue as long as there has been a patriarchal society.  In primitive agrarian society, every extra pair of hands helped keep food on the table.  Eliminating those hands via abortion was seen as a crime against the family.  However, in many cultures exposure of unwanted female or deformed male babies was perfectly permissible.  The key has always been the control of women's bodies by men.  In modern industrial societies especially in America, abortion is seen by many as an attempt by women to escape the penalties which should follow from unapproved sex.  As some have put it, if men had wombs, abortion would be a holy sacrament!  So, Trump's claim if abortion was made illegal that women should be punished carries the entire debate to its logical conclusion.  If abortion is murder, then the woman is either the murderer or an accessory to the crime.  There is no way around that argument.  When most people are confronted with this tautology,  I believe the overwhelming majority would argue abortion is not something they would criminalize.  Instead, they would use the power of the government to support womens' decisions.  The "pro life" movement knows this whole debate is a loser and Trump has exposed the soft underbelly of their argument.  This may cost him some support, no matter how he tap dances his retreat, but it shows the logical fallacy of the anti-abortion movement.

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