Friday, March 18, 2016

Time for reckoning

The supposed elite of the Republican party are calling for a purge of Donald Trump or at least a "unity ticket" which excludes him.  Many of the yahoos (I'm talking about you, Erik Erikson) disavow the misogynist, racist rhetoric they have employed for many years to energize a base of increasingly grumpy old white men.   This is the same playbook The Donald has used  to steal most of this hard core base.  The only difference is Trump has abandoned the dog whistles and gone straight to outright calls for anti-immigrant, anti-black and pro-white supremacy.  Most of the people responding to this pitch have no commonality with the people who  inhabit corner offices on Wall Street or corporate America.  The social issues which have induced poor whites to abandon their own economic interests to vote for trickle down economics are becoming less compelling to them.  Trump has given them the permission to let hate be the driver in this election.  The vanishing republican moderate will soon have no home in Trump's party.  For democrats, the spectacle of a dying opposition is appealing, but like a cornered wild animal, the GOP is still a dangerous beast.  It will  not go gently into the night.

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