Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Trump and the new consensus

It seems the left, the right and the media have finally reached agreement on an explanation for the rise of The Donald.  A blissfully fact free and outrageous candidate who insults the elites on both side of the aisle seems to fire up about 40% of the republican electorate.  These are the same voters who delivered the presidency to Ronald Reagan and the Bushes.  By promising economic gains using "supply side" economic policies and leavening the message with a dash of racism, Reagan followed in the footsteps Nixon blazed.  Now however, the economic thing has not panned out and the natives are getting restless.  Enter Trump, who dares to speak a kind of truth to republican foot soldiers.  Don't believe the elites he says and this time the rubes are buying into the message.  Crude nationalism and naked racism are a potent brew and The Donald is serving it with gusto.  He may not get the nomination, but the monster he has awakened will not be easily put to sleep again.

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