Monday, March 28, 2016

Bernie and the Democrats

Bernie won big in several caucus states over the weekend.  Of course that spurred speculation by the usual suspects that he will overtake Hillary's lead any minute and how can Democrats not rally around the insurgent.  On closer inspection, Sanders still has a daunting task to rally his Bros' in the large state primaries coming up.  He needs to win by 60% or more in these states to really cut into Hillary's delegate lead and the polls don't back him up in that effort.  The republicans will troll the story to sow discord among democrats, but as has been pointed out, Bernie's support is largely young, white, and reasonably affluent.  They are a coveted demographic, but not a winner in a general election, unless the rest of the Dem coalition turns out in force.  Much as I would like to feel the Bern, I don't think it is likely to happen.

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