Thursday, March 17, 2016

Minimal wages

The local public radio station in the North Country, NCPR, has been running a series of hand-wringing stories concerning Andrew Cuomo's plan to raise the minimum wage to $15.00/hr. over the course of the next 5 years.  Putting aside the improbability of this happening as long as republicans control the state senate, it is remarkable how one sided the coverage has become.  The latest losers in the wage game would seem to be non-profits who serve the developmentally disabled.  Without comment, the station's reporters pass on the doom scenario the directors of these programs bleat.  For some reason, they feel there is no alternative to cutting programs if they have to pay a living wage to their workers.  Unless the state steps in and increases funding to the programs, there will be cuts.  How about the fact the employees are probably accessing state relief programs like food stamps and other welfare programs because they can't make ends meet on present compensation.  I know these program heads are making the best case they can, but it's up to the reporter to ask questions leading to tough responses.  The same for farmers complaining about minimum wages.  Without the hidden subsidies which allow workers to toil for below subsistence compensation, the grinding poverty these workers endure would be that much worse.  This hidden, subsidized economy needs to be exposed and proper solutions like a living minimum wage need to be implemented.

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