Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Stupor Tuesday

As a part time political junkie, I will follow the returns of the various primaries tonight, but I already feel burnt out by the process.   I can only imagine the feelings of the various candidates as they slog through appearances in state after state.  The winners of the republican and democratic nominations can look forward to eight more months of relentless campaigning for a 24/7 job which will prematurely age them.  At 74, Bernie Sanders is looking every bit of his age and the convention is still months from now.  The Donald's hair even looks tired!  As they jockey for position today, the insults are flying thick and fast.  Many commenters are calling it a schoolyard slap fight, but that may understate the case.  It will only get worse in the general election where it looks more and more like a Clinton vs. Trump catfight. 

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