Monday, March 28, 2016

Deja vu

I don't normally make consecutive posts about the same subject, but after reading Kevin Drum's blog in Mother Jones, I feel somewhat vindicated regarding my analysis of Bernie's candidacy.  Drum responded to Matt Taibbi's blog in Rolling Stone.  Taibbi disagreed with the magazine's endorsement of Hillary and proceeded to lay out the case against her.  As Drum points out, aside from her hawkish foreign policy stance and her vote for the Iraq war, Taibbi has advanced a pretty lukewarm argument against Hillary.  Yes, she doesn't always show great judgement when it comes to optics.  No, she shouldn't have accepted over half a million dollars to make a couple of speeches to Goldman Sachs.  Yes, she should have been more aware of the potential flak from the e-mail controversy.   However, she wasn't Bill Clinton's co-president and the domestic policy initiatives he signed mostly don't have her fingerprints on them.  Meanwhile, as Drum notes, she has a reputation for helping society's forgotten and for her word being good.  Maybe those of us who have seen presidents from LBJ to Obama come and got realize it takes more than rhetoric to move consensus.  If you are a Bernie voter and believe Obama was a sell out, wait until the senator from Vermont faces a republican congress determined to undermine every initiative he brings.  Hillary may not be able to accomplish much with that level of opposition, but she is not raising unreasonable expectations.

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