Friday, March 4, 2016

A glimpse of a dark future

Listening to Terry Gross's  "Fresh Air" yesterday was another wake up call regarding the reality of government under republican control.  She interviewed two historians regarding the poisoning of America by the lead industry from the 1880's through the 1960s.  Both men agreed health care professionals had diagnosed lead poisoning among children as being the result of lead paint inside houses as well as lead painted toys, cribs, etc.  Lead pipes supplying water to cities built during this time period contributed as well and the coup de grace was the introduction of tetraethyl lead into gasoline by DuPont and GM so they could sell more powerful engines and larger cars.  Lead in the environment poisoned an entire generation of inner city children, black and white alike.  The lead industry was sued after lobbying against regulation for years.  Just as the cigarette industry later would and the Koch fueled climate change denial today, the lead industry bought off legislators and egregiously argued there was not enough proof of lead poisoning.  The idea of a GOP controlled Congress and Executive rolling back decades of justified regulations is deeply depressing and a call to elect men and women who will protect us from rapacious corporations whose only motive is profit.

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